

Obtain structure from PDB and view density


  1. Find a structure of interest, taking the currently highest resolution structure (0.48 Å) 5D8V as an example.

  2. Download the model and density

    1. Model in PDB format
    2. Validation 2fo-fc coefficients file, unzip to obtain cif format file
    3. Validation fo-fc coefficients file, unzip to obtain cif format file
    4. Obtain 3 files:
      1. 5d8v.pdb
      2. 5d8v_validation_2fo-fc_map_coef.cif
      3. 5d8v_validation_fo-fc_map_coef.cif
  3. Convert format:

    1. Use cif2mtz from the CCP4 suite

      cif2mtz hklin 5d8v_validation_2fo-fc_map_coef.cif hklout 2fo-fc.mtz << EOF
      cif2mtz hklin 5d8v_validation_fo-fc_map_coef.cif hklout fo-fc.mtz << EOF
    2. Use the standalone python package gemmi

      pip3 install gemmi
      gemmi cif2mtz 5d8v_validation_2fo-fc_map_coef.cif 2fo-fc.mtz
      gemmi cif2mtz 5d8v_validation_fo-fc_map_coef.cif fo-fc.mtz
  4. Load the PDB model and 2fo-fc.mtz as well as fo-fc.mtz in COOT


  1. X-ray Electron Density Maps

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